Book Contributors

9 Highly Qualified Experts Contributed to: How to Buy Spanish Property and Move to Spain – Safely!’

Of course, few factual books can be written without an author receiving significant help, support and assistance. In my case, I have been fortunate to have received generous and critically important advice from the professionals mentioned below. Indeed, without their contribution this book could not have been written – let alone aspire to being a truly authoritative guide to Spain…

Many of the Contributors below have provided their contact details – so that you can can communicate with them directly. I cannot, obviously, be held liable for any advice or help that they provide. However, in my personal experience, all possess the highest standards of personal integrity and professionalism:


Carolina Just Miro (Lawyer)
Carolina is a Spanish lawyer specialising in the conveyancing of property in Spain. She speaks fluent English and has extensive experience of the Spanish property market and the complexities of the buying and selling process. She has an international client base and is frequently called upon to analyse and resolve property disputes related to property in Spain. (0034) 96 287 6843 (0034) 627 567 139

Mark Paddon B.Sc (Hons.) Building Surveying MCIOB. (Building Surveyor)
A Spanish speaking British building surveyor, based in Spain for 7 years, Mark writes for a local paper and has acted as consultant and contributor to Channel 4’s ‘Selling Houses Abroad’. He has a detailed knowledge of Spanish properties, both old and new, and carries out structural surveys for buyers. Mark also assesses building defects for existing owners to whom he provides detailed remedial solutions and expert witness reports for court actions and insurance claims. TM (0034) 96 280 7247 (0034) 653 733 066

Alberto Diaz Reya Ingenerio Superior. Msc (Asset Management)
Alberto has worked as an international management consultant and for many years successfully ran his own real estate agency. He has also worked as a property developer and been involved in the renovation of Spanish properties and the new construction of villas in Spain. He has an intimate knowledge of estate agents in Spain and the Spanish property and construction industries. He is fluent in English.

Sonia Garcia Fernandez Veterinaria (Veterinarian surgeon)
Sonia has worked as a vet for many years and specialises in the treatment of domestic animals in Spain. She is an experienced surgeon and has an extensive knowledge of the ailments and health problems of animals in Spain. She works from a mixed practice that comprises both Spanish and international clients.

John Pointon BA MIM (Management Consultant)
John is a director of an international construction consortium and is based in Malta and Spain and was previously an advisor to the UK government. He is also the CEO of an international marketing consultancy.

Dra. María Soriano Carreras Médica Pediatra (Paedritician)
Maria is a consultant physician specialising in children’s healthcare in Spain. She works for a busy practice with a wide variety of international and Spanish patients. She has worked extensively within the Spanish health care system and is permanently based at a children’s clinic within Valencia province.

Beatriz Gonzalez Menendez (Professor of Classics)
Beatriz has taught since 1982 and is currently head of department at her school and a member of several education committees. She was an assistant head teacher for two years. She speaks fluent Spanish, Valenciano, German, English and modern Greek. She has a thorough knowledge of education in Spain.

Jose Ivars Lopez (International property and marketing specialist)
Jose is Spanish, an international property development expert and a member of the RICS. He has worked as the managing director of a major Spanish development company and is now head of marketing for an international foreign exchange company based in London. He is on the board of directors of a well known UK charity connected to Spain.

Robert Burns BA (Hons) (Accountant)
Robert is a qualified accountant who trained at Coopers and Lybrand. He is permanentlybased in Spain having been a finance director and financial controller for several businesses in the UK. Currently, he works in partnership with a firm of Spanish based Independent Financial Advisors who specialise in assisting expatriots with their UK pension funds and investments.

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 Useful Contacts

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